Bookkeeping in Santa Monica CA

Get clearer, more organized, and more confident about your finances through our monthly services.

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Monthly Bookkeeping

Our monthly services include meticulous data entry and preparation of financial statements, including a profit and loss report and balance sheet. If needed, we also include regular strategy sessions. Pricing begins at $199 per month and is adjusted based on the scale and intricacy of your business operations. Schedule a free consultation today or Call Now for an exact quote.

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Consistent Support

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Santa Monica Bookkeeping Is The Perfect Size Firm For Your Business

Our firm is small enough to offer personalized services and build long-term relationships, but large enough to ensure your books are never delayed due to a bookkeeper being ill or on vacation. Our remote model allows us to provide superior services at a fraction of the cost, with checks and balances in place to ensure accuracy. We work with businesses of all sizes, from under $100k to over $5 million in annual revenue, and we're able to scale our services as your business grows.

Our monthly services are customized to adapt to your business's evolving needs. Our standard monthly service includes:

Stop Guessing Where The Money In Your Business Is Going

You won't know your business's current cash flow without accurate monthly financial reports. Despite investing all that time and effort, your financials will remain confusing. Investing in our monthly services will prove invaluable and pay for itself.

Why Should I Pay Someone Else Do My Bookkeeping When I've Been Doing It Myself?

You can do your own books. After all, it's not rocket science. But, how much time do you currently dedicate to doing it each month? Are you completely confident that every entry is accurate and free of errors? Are you certain that all transactions are correctly categorized to maximize your tax savings? Despite being able to afford professional services, many business owners still manage their own books for several reasons.

Here are some common reasons and why we know you'll benefit from a bookkeeper:

  • They believe they're saving money by handling it themselves.

    Even if you manage your books perfectly (which is often not the case), how much time does it typically take you each month? Let's suppose it takes you five hours per month; that adds up to 60 hours per year. Consider how many additional sales you could generate with those 60 hours. Now, compare this to the cost of our services.  You'll find that you'll come out ahead. 

    QuickBooks conducted a study showing that business owners save $3,500 annually by using a professional bookkeeper as opposed to doing it themselves. These savings come from avoiding mistakes and identifying proper write-offs. That’s $3,500 back in your pocket each year! Additionally, our fees are tax-deductible, which is always a nice bonus.

  • They feel uneasy about sharing their business's financial info with others.

    We are proud to be a trusted firm. We take many measures to ensure your information is confidential and secure.

  • They're concerned that someone else won't handle it accurately.

    As humans, we all make mistakes, even experts. This is why we operate as a team, with more than one team member reviewing your books before finalizing and sending your monthly reports. A single bookkeeper, or a business owner working alone, doesn't have the advantage of this collaboration.

  • They believe it’ll take just as much of their time as doing it themself.

    This is sometimes the case with certain companies. Some of them are so large that clients become just another number. They often have multiple inexperienced employees working on the same account, creating new support tickets for each inquiry, leading to repetitive explanations and frustrating delays. These companies may also require you to email them for every transaction detail, making the process tedious.

    We are the opposite. We offer personalized support by dedicating an expert bookkeeper to your account. Our small team ensures that you receive the support you and your business need, making the accounting process as hands-off as possible. 

    Over time, we learn your books and habits, reducing the need for repeated questions about unknown transactions. You don't even need to send or upload your bank statements unless you want to. Most banks offer accountant read-only access, allowing us to download the statements ourselves, saving you time and effort.

  • They feel embarrassed about the state of their books.

    This one surprises us because we can’t even imagine judging a business owner for their books. But we can understand why it’s a common fear that we hear from business owners. Here's how we feel; Life happens! We always say you didn’t start your business because you wanted to learn and do your own books... but we did! 

    This is a judgment-free zone.

You Can Rely on Us

You can count on us to provide reliable financial statements with accurate expense categorization to help you track your business expenses. We also offer support for accounts receivable and payable. One of the great things about virtual accounting is that we can easily work with your current financial team, giving them the reports they need for your (or our) tax specialist or financial planner. 

Our Pricing starts at $199/month. We offer a flat monthly fee, determined by factors such as the average volume and complexity of your transactions/accounts. Click here for more info on our pricing. Call now or book a call today for a free consultation with Shirin or Negin so that we can provide you with an exact quote.


What We'll Do For You


Accurately categorize all transactions into their appropriate classifications and subcategories.



Streamline and categorize daily transactions for optimal financial clarity.


Prevent errors, duplication, and potential fraud.


Provide detailed monthly financial statements.


What You'll Get In Return


Maximize your tax savings.


Achieve precise control over your cash flow, real-time, for superior financial management.


Ensure compliance and avoid tax penalties with maintained precise financial records.


Gain clear insight into profits, allowing for strategic budgeting and better decisions.

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